Dark Eyed Izabella
With beautiful Izabella!
All image credits and copyright of Izabella above go to © Lisa Visser
Izabella has a very distinctive look that really lends itself to fine art portraiture. That said, Izabella has worked with some of the UK’s finest portrait photographers who love her timeless look and huge, soulful dark eyes.
Please sign up to my mailing list and be first in line to know when Izabella will return to the studio.
There will be a MAXIMUM of just 4 photographers in attendance to ensure everyone gets quality one-to-one shooting time with the models. Also, this works well from a health and safety point of view.
Don't worry! I am on hand to help you with any adjustments you need to make to either your camera settings or lighting. Although I can't cover basic camera training at the session, I'll always help with your settings to ensure your images are correctly exposed.
Yes! You are also welcome to use the props I have in the studio to ensure your images are unique
The total cost is just £99 and you can secure your booking with a 50% deposit with the balance being due 7 days before. Tea, coffee and refreshments plus toilet facilities are available. Please ensure you read the event Terms and Conditions as your booking confirms you have read and understood these.